

The XG-optic range covers all requirements for interconnecting active equipment with antennas at mobile sites. It includes energy, fibre, and hybrid links, as well as specific connection equipment developed for indoor and outdoor mobile infrastructures

XG-optic, innovative solutions for indoor and outdoor mobile networks

Telenco has embarked on the challenge of developing innovative indoor and outdoor wireless solutions optimised for network rollout and reliability, responding to future needs and new mobile transmission technologies. It was with this in mind that XG-optic was born and has grown over the years.

Solutions developed for outdoor infrastructures

Drawing on its expertise in outdoor optical telecoms networks, Telenco is committed to designing solutions adapted to difficult climatic conditions and mechanical environments, to simplify the rollout and installation of 4G/5G mobile networks.

Applying the principles of eco-design, Telenco develops and manufactures reliable and scalable solutions for 4G/5G mobile network to meet the current and future challenges of mobile networks

Mobile enclosures
Preco FTTA cabinet, splice-preco FTTA cabinet, PTTA cabinet, HTTA cabinet, and coiling cabinet.
FTTA Breakouts
Available in standard, reinforced, and ultra-reinforced versions.
FTTA 2 FO patch Cords
Different types of protection adapted to active equipment manufacturers.
Energy cables
Available in shielded and unshielded versions.
WDM Solutions
Adapted to every type of network.

Indoor Infrastructure

Telenco develops and markets solutions for rolling out a reliable, secure wireless network that is perfectly adapted to new technologies and any type of environment.

Eliminating the risk of error and simplifying rollouts are the criteria that Telenco imposes to meet installers' needs as closely as possible.

Hybrid patch panel
Hybrid cable
Hybrid patch cord
Hybrid enclosure

Discover XG-optic solutions

FTTA enclosures

Telenco FTTA enclosures, available in pre-connected and pre-spliced versions, are the first enclosure solutions designed to simplify optical splicing within indirect cabling infrastructures...

Telenco FTTA enclosures, available in pre-connected and pre-spliced versions, are the first enclosure solutions designed to simplify optical splicing within indirect cabling infrastructures used in 4G and 5G network rollouts. These cabinets ensure smooth, intuitive optical interconnection, whatever the installation configuration. They have been specially developed and subjected to rigorous testing to ensure that they can withstand harsh climatic conditions, particularly variations in temperature, as well as severe mechanical stress, such as winds reaching speeds of 250 km/h.

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FTTA box
FTTA box

Pre-terminated/ splice version

FTTA box
FTTA box

Pre-terminated version

FTTA cables

The pre-terminated outdoor FTTA 2 FO cables are designed especially to connect the BTS/BBU to the RRU/RRH in the 4G/5G direct cabling structure, or the junction box to the RRU in the 4G/5G...

The pre-terminated outdoor FTTA 2 FO cables are designed especially to connect the BTS/BBU to the RRU/RRH in the 4G/5G direct cabling structure, or the junction box to the RRU in the 4G/5G indirect cabling structure. Leveraging its know-how and expertise in the deployment of overhead cables, Telenco has developed a solution that can withstand harsh environments while retaining a lightweight but highly resistant cable structure. The pre-terminated FTTA 2 FO breakout cables have a diameter of 5 mm, making them flexible and easy to install.

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2 FO FTTA cables
2 FO FTTA cables


2 FO FTTA cables
2 FO FTTA cables

NSN protection

FTTA breakouts

Telenco FTTA breakouts are high-performance 12 FO or 24 FO outdoor cables, specially designed to connect the BTS/BBU to the optical cabinets on 4G/5G sites. They are subject to harsh climatic...

Telenco FTTA breakouts are high-performance 12 FO or 24 FO outdoor cables, specially designed to connect the BTS/BBU to the optical cabinets on 4G/5G sites. They are subject to harsh climatic conditions and can withstand significant mechanical stress. They can be adapted to all pre-terminated rollouts. Two reinforced versions are available: the reinforced version and the super-reinforced version with Telenco's patented push-clip fanout.

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Standard FTTA breakout
Standard FTTA breakout

12 to 24 FO

Cca reinforced FTTA breakout with push-clip fanout
Cca reinforced FTTA breakout with push-clip fanout

2 to 24 FO

Super-reinforced FTTA breakout with push-clip fanout
Super-reinforced FTTA breakout with push-clip fanout

2 to 24 FO

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